"Florence City Hall"

Located at 2864 State Street
Owned by: Florence Historical Foundation, not open to the public, except for public meetings, or rented for use by local organizations.  The building also is used by the Florentine Players to put on their melodramas throughout the year.NA

The public meetings held in the building are proof that this is a valuable addition to the community. The building has a reasonable sized parking lot, a necessity for large gatherings.

The City Hall building is not an official "city" building. Florence is now part of Omaha. The term City Hall was chosen as the name of this building due to the original Florence City Hall being located on the same location. Occassionally, someone contacts the Florence Historical Foundation wanting to know about city issues such as trash pickup, taxes, etc.

The Florence City Hall is right next to the historic Florence Firehouse.

The Florence City Hall is available for rental for events such as wedding receptions, etc. Please contact the Florence Historical Foundation at 402-453-4280 or viist the Florence Recreation Halls web site.

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