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Morn. Twilight: 7:09 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:36 A.M.
Sunset: 7:29 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 53m
Eve. Twilight: 7:56 A.M.
Visible Light: 12h, 47m
Historic People List
Here is an alphabetical list of names found on our web site. Can you find them all on our web site? On this page, move the mouse pointer over the name for a tip. Some names may be difficult to locate on our web site, at least from the initial reading of the page; however as you read a page, if you move your mouse pointer over the various links and asterisks, you will find extra notes, and some names shown here are from those hover tip notes only.
- Bear, Standing
- Bondesson, Gus
- Bourke, John G., Capt.
- Brisbin, J.B.
- Brisbin, H.T.
- Brown, Mr.
- Capone, Al
- Capone, Vincenzo (aka, "Two Gun Hart")
- Cheers, Chancy
- Clark, William
- Cook (Cooke)
- Crook, George, Gen.
- Dodge, Grenville, Gen.
- Douglas, Stephen Arnold
- Drouillard, George
- Dundy, L. L.
- Elk, Big
- Fairbanks, Avard
- Fields, Rueben
- Floyd, Ann J.
- Frémont John C. (Gen.)
- Gass, Patrick
- Godell, Steve
- Godell, Van
- Graham
- Haag, George
- Hanscom, A.J.
- Harrington, Harry
- Hunter, Alexander
- Johnson, Franz
- Kane, Thomas L.
- Keirle, Charles
- Kilborn, Florence
- Lambertson, G.M.
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lewis, Meriwether
- Long, Stephen, Major
- Manson, Charles
- Mitchell, Eliza
- Mitchell, James Comly
- Neff, John
- Parker, James Monroe
- Pershing, John J., General
- Poppelton, A.J.
- Price, Thos. E.
- Reinhardt, Frank
- Sadler, Isaac, Major
- Mr. Sargent
- Sarpy, Peter A., Colonel
- Sherman, William Tecumseh, General
- Shiverick, N.C. Lt. Colonel
- Simons, George
- Simpson, John
- Smith A.
- Taylor, Elmer
- Tibbles, Thomas Henry
- Tracy, Frank
- Vandenberg, John Rev.
- Weber, Amalia
- Weber, Jacob
- Weber, Lyman
- Webster, John L.
- Young, Brigham