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Morn. Twilight: 7:09 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:36 A.M.
Sunset: 7:29 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 53m
Eve. Twilight: 7:56 A.M.
Visible Light: 12h, 47m

Historic People List

Here is an alphabetical list of names found on our web site.  Can you find them all on our web site?  On this page, move the mouse pointer over the name for a tip.  Some names may be difficult to locate on our web site, at least from the initial reading of the page; however as you read a page, if you move your mouse pointer over the various links and asterisks, you will find extra notes, and some names shown here are from those hover tip notes only.

  1. Bear, Standing
  2. Bondesson, Gus
  3. Bourke, John G., Capt.
  4. Brisbin, J.B.
  5. Brisbin, H.T.
  6. Brown, Mr.
  7. Capone, Al
  8. Capone, Vincenzo (aka, "Two Gun Hart")
  9. Cheers, Chancy
  10. Clark, William
  11. Cook (Cooke)
  12. Crook, George, Gen.
  13. Dodge, Grenville, Gen.
  14. Douglas, Stephen Arnold
  15. Drouillard, George
  16. Dundy, L. L.
  17. Elk, Big
  18. Fairbanks, Avard
  19. Fields, Rueben
  20. Floyd, Ann J.
  21. Frémont John C. (Gen.)
  22. Gass, Patrick
  23. Godell, Steve
  24. Godell, Van
  25. Graham
  26. Haag, George
  27. Hanscom, A.J.
  28. Harrington, Harry
  29. Hunter, Alexander
  30. Johnson, Franz
  31. Kane, Thomas L.
  32. Keirle, Charles
  33. Kilborn, Florence
  34. Lambertson, G.M.
  35. Lincoln, Abraham
  36. Lewis, Meriwether
  37. Long, Stephen, Major
  38. Manson, Charles
  39. Mitchell, Eliza
  40. Mitchell, James Comly
  41. Neff, John
  42. Parker, James Monroe
  43. Pershing, John J., General
  44. Poppelton, A.J.
  45. Price, Thos. E.
  46. Reinhardt, Frank
  47. Sadler, Isaac, Major
  48. Mr. Sargent
  49. Sarpy, Peter A., Colonel
  50. Sherman, William Tecumseh, General
  51. Shiverick, N.C. Lt. Colonel
  52. Simons, George
  53. Simpson, John
  54. Smith A.
  55. Taylor, Elmer
  56. Tibbles, Thomas Henry
  57. Tracy, Frank
  58. Vandenberg, John Rev.
  59. Weber, Amalia
  60. Weber, Jacob
  61. Weber, Lyman
  62. Webster, John L.
  63. Young, Brigham