A clear pixel

Morn. Twilight: 6:38 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:06 A.M.
Sunset: 6:07 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 1m
Eve. Twilight: 6:35 A.M.
Visible Light: 11h, 56m

"Florence Futures"

Florence Futures Goals

2002-2003 Short-term Goals

  1. Coordinate Annual Florence clean-up with various volunteer groups:
    Florence Futures, Florence Concerned Citizens, Kiwanis, North Omaha Commercial Club, David DeFord & L.D.S. service groups, Uta Halee service group, Central High School & North High School Service Groups, Florence Elementary, and City of Omaha (with city dumpsters at Florence Elementary all day.) CleanUp crews meet at the Florence Mill.
    Clean-up date - April 27, 2002
    Committee - Rose Roeder & Linda Meigs
  2. Develop "Historic Florence" Web site:
    Committee - Rev. Bev Leonard & Sister Mary Ann Zimmer
  3. Develop Interpretive Exhibit(s) with text & illustrations to educate how and why the Florence neighborhood is historical
    Committee - Linda Meigs with Big Muddy Workshop I.
  4. Develop Signage - "Historic Florence"
    To define Historic Florence, identity-building, instill neighborhood pride
    Committee - Linda Meigs & Mele Mason
    (formerly included Elder Spencer Nilson, now of SLC, Utah)
  5. Park Development & Beautification:
    1856 Bank Museum mini-park, 30th & Willit
    Committee - Linda Meigs, Jan Pinaire & Mike Wolfe
    with Florence Historical Foundation, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, John Nabity, Big Muddy Workshop, Addie Kinghorn/Metro College.
  6. Recruit visitor-friendly business to Florence:
    Two or more antique shops, used book shop, quilt-shop, etc.
    Committee - All
  7. Develop ‘HI-TREE’ along Back-to-the-River Trail as a quirky ceo-tourism attraction
    Committee - North Omaha Commercial Club Project

Long-term Goals

  1. Creation of Winter Quarters Historic Park between the Florence Mill and the Missouri River as an echo of Winter Quarters upon its original site adjacent to 1-680. Suggestions: a reconstruction of the Council House, Willard Richard's Octagon House, and a simple log house within a park- like setting. To be done in cooperation with Metropolitan Utilities District, OPPD, Dept. of Transportation, LDS Church, City of Omaha and Douglas County Historical Society.
  2. Develop a History Loop connecting the Back-to-the-River Trail along the Missouri River with Historic Florence. The trail would go through the proposed Winter Quarters Historic Park, past the Mill, Depot, and Firehouse to connect to ~ Street.
  3. Improve historic atmosphere of Florence: Old-Fashioned Lighting along 30th Street. Old fashioned benches.
  4. Enhance/Interpret Florence's historic resources & stories: Pioneer Trails, Territorial Nebraska, Native American presence, Fur Trade sites. Create a series of attractive "individual characters" plaques or markers honoring prominent figures from Florence history prior to annexation by Omaha in 1917. Monument to the Pioneer Trails, with a sculptural obelisk as a tribute to freedom.
  5. Historic Florence Staffing or Curator: Coordinate issues linking our small museums (mill depot, bank) ... to increase hours open, staffing, funding, common maintenance problems. (Mammel Foundation staffing grant for mill, bank & depot museums, Summer 2003, 2004, & 2005.)
  6. Strengthen heritage tourism ties between historical sites in Florence with Neale Woods, Fort Omaha, the Crook House, Washington County Museum, Boyer Chute and Fort Atkinson. (2003 Passport Project)
  7. Attract a quality & historically-sensitive motel along McKinley Street between 30th Street and Mormon Bridge Road (48th Street)
  8. Encourage City to improve camping/restroom facilities at Dodge Park