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This page is for a different year (2005), therefore the "remaining" meetings for that year are not displayed any longer on the regular meetings page. Use the "past" meetings view to see all meetings for 2005 (displayed in green).

Other Past Community Meetings:
Other years did not have any Community Meetings


Morn. Twilight: 7:14 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:41 A.M.
Sunset: 7:25 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 44m
Eve. Twilight: 7:53 A.M.
Visible Light: 12h, 39m

Meetings List

This "Meetings" page covers meetings that affect the entire Florence community, i.e., general issues, traffic issues, streetscape, community planning, etc.*  This page also lists generalized gatherings.  Meetings that affect Florence but are outside of Florence are listed on the External Meetings page.  Florence organizations meeting dates are shown on the organizations page.

2005 Meetings in Historic Florence:

Also see:

Information provided by:

Florence Futures Foundation

Spammers are Scum A link for e-mail searchers to gather some e-mail addresses