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Morn. Twilight: 7:14 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:41 A.M.
Sunset: 7:25 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 44m
Eve. Twilight: 7:53 A.M.
Visible Light: 12h, 39m
Florence Organizations Request for Updated Information
Thank you for visiting this page. We would like to help you provide your organization's information to the public, and we hope you will appreciate our efforts. Locating this page on your own shows your interest in using our web site and that is exactly what we want to see. Using our web site is the best indication of your appreciation.
To keep our Community Organizations page up-to-date, there are several bits of information we need to know. Read through the questions below and fill out the form. We thank you for your time, and we hope this resource proves to be valuable to you. You may also want to read the Submitting Information page.
Give the information that you wish to have published, or put a note that the information is not public but can be used to get updated information.
- Our Needs
- Name:
- What is the official name of your organization?
- Coverage:
- What area do you cover? Some organizations list the area that they cover (e.g., From the Florence River to University Blvd., From Florence Road to Florence Expressway). If you have a publishable map, then send it via e-mail.
- Statement-Purpose-Motto-Slogan:
- What is the organization's goal, motto, or slogan? Identify whether it is a goal, motto, or slogan if you consider it more one of these than the others; multiple if you have it.
- Officers and elections:
- Who are the current elected officers? If you already know the next year's officers, and when they will take office, we will make the page start displaying the new officers automatically on that date.
- When are elections? Meaning when you vote. You can include when election committees form to nominate new officer positions as well; anything that your members or others may find helpful that is still public information.
- How long do officers take office? If different positions have different times, please indicate (e.g., President holds office for two consecutive years, other officers yearly, taking office on January 1st of the year).
- When do new officers take office? We will display this information and use it to automatically switch when that time comes, plus we use this information to make contact if we see that this time has passed and we have not received updated information. Note that this is only a checks and balance measure and that we may not make contact the first day. Hopefully, if we have the information for the next year's officers, we can automatically start showing the correct information on the switchover day.
- Contact Info:
- Supply contact information for officers and the organization itself; either phone numbers, e-mail addresses or both. The biggest complaint is people not being able to contact your organization. It is best to provide an e-mail address for each person listed.
- What is the official way to get in contact with the organization? List phone numbers (time of day to call), fax numbers, e-mail addresses, pager, ICQ, web site, etc. We need a primary telephone number and a secondary telephone number. Try to have multiple ways to get in touch with the organization.* Make sure that there is a way for people to get in touch with you during the day and in the evening. We also need to know how long the contact information is good for as may be the case if the contact info is for an individual that may not be an officer for the next term. If that information is known ahead of time, it too can be automated. If these change with new officers (such as access numbers of current officers), we would need to update when new officers are elected; if you already know the new officers and that they will be the new contacts, please supply that information now so that all pertinent information will switch automatically when the time comes.
- For ease of communication, make sure to include an e-mail contact,* just for any questions we might have in order to maintain the page.
- If you have a web site, you must place a link on your web site to ours in order for us to have a link from our web site to yours. You will need to tell us where the link to our web site is located, and the order of pages to visit to get to the link. The link must not be more than two clicks from the home page link (same as ours).
- Meetings Details:
- Where do you meet? Give the name of an establishment, building, location, or whatever it is known by so that interested "outsiders" could come to a meeting. Also, give an address so that we can have a link to a map. If you meet at different places each meeting, then give us as much advanced information as you have (addresses). As you know more, send it to us. we will automate the next meeting details with the information we have. If you have meeting topics that change, or speakers, etc., give us as much future info as possible.
- How often or when do you meet? Monthly, weekly, yearly, plus give the time of day. Also tell us if there are any times that you would not be meeting; for example, some organizations do not meet in December due to the busy Christmas season. Also if there are any rules to apply that should be listed; such as "We meet on Tuesday of the 3rd full week of a month in Florence Park by the sliding board, unless there is inclement weather, in which case we meet at the Women's Club."
- For each meeting, you can have a line for the "Agenda" and a line for "Notes." If you already know the agenda for any future meetings, you should provide the information you know beforehand. If for example, you know that for December, your agenda will be elections, provide that information now. Likewise, for each meeting, you may also provide a line of text to display following the word Notes.
- Your own page:
- Not only will we give you space on the Community Organizations page, but we will even give your organization an entire page of your own.
If you have more information that can be provided, you can have a separate page to tell all about your organization. This page in a sense becomes your one-page web site. Tell things that you have accomplished, goals you are working on, you name it. You can have as much information as is reasonable on what you would consider would not tire a person from digesting a single page. In other words, if you make the page too long, the likelihood that it will be read decreases, except for the very dedicated. The information is meant to be semi-permanent, meaning that it is not a web page that we will maintain with monthly updates. Make sure that if someone is reading the information next month, or next year that it still makes sense. Don't use, "At our last meeting," instead use "At our April 2005 meeting," (that is provided that in a year the information would still be pertinent). This page can be updated on a yearly basis, or whenever elections occur, or anything within reason. If after a month, an officer change does occur outside the normal, make sure we have the corrected information so that the page is accurate! In fact, at any time the page is not accurate, we will gladly change it, provided that we are not referring to monthly news.
- The page can also have a link to your local organization's web site, and/or to a national web site. All links to external web sites must follow our guidelines of decency.
- If you would like to publish your organization's by-laws, this is the page to do it. We can make a copy of your by-laws in PDF file format so that visitors can download/print a copy.
- You can have a logo displayed on this page as well. Send us as large a graphic as you have, give us a URI/URL where we can download/access an official copy, or prepare a nice clean printed version that we can scan. You must include permission to display the logo on the web site as well. This is important as we are concerned about copyrights and wish to keep everything legal. The same applies to any photos you wish to have published on your page. Make sure the photograph is marked with any copyright information, or specify what copyright information should be added to the images. The official statement for copyright is in the form: "Copyright YYYY, Organization/Company/Individual, All Rights Reserved." Regardless if the form that you may already have on photographs is different, you most likely will not have any problems defending the copyright under the U.S. Copyright law. The YYYY is of course year. You may use a range, however, the first year is the important one for showing when the copyright starts. Copyrights run out based on the last date so a final year in a range can be used. It can be updated yearly as you wish; just send an updated version.
- Identify any individuals in the photographs. Unless it is the president of the United States, many will not know who it is (and some might even question the president's image). Identify all persons so that viewers will know for sure. Make sure you have permission to publish any photographs you wish to have on the page. This may mean that you need a model release for individuals or personal identifiable objects in the photograph. That restriction does not apply if the photograph was taken at a public event, meaning of newsworthy interest, such as at the Butterfly Festival, or at a fire. In most cases, organizations have the right to photograph and publish their events, activities, etc., since they are newsworthy. Your organization's bylaws may already cover this for members; make sure non-members in photographs are in the public eye, or at public events.
- An area we feel very strong about is the issue of publishing images of children on the web, with names or not. If your organization helps children or for any reason that you wish to have a photograph of children on the web, then we need to have a release from the parent or guardian authorizing you to publish/display the photograph. In the case of children, you may wish to not publish the names, however, for our use, we need a release/permission to publish from your organization that releases us to publish the image on the web. In other words, you will need a release for your organization from the parent or guardian that allows you to publish the information, plus allow you to pass that permission on to us, and we will need a release from your organization extending that permission to us that guarantees your organization takes full responsibility.
- [Ed. Note]: I spend time studying copyright law but I am not an authority so make sure that you check with an attorney if in question. Regardless, you must give full permission and free Florence Futures Foundation, Inc. (creator of, the web site, the developer, or any parties involved in publishing your page from any responsibility whatsoever! Of course, we add "Thanks" to that.
- Your own section.
- If you need more pages than what you can fit on one page, you can have additional pages but you will need to be responsible for editing the page content and hosting the pages. We will provide a template that fits our web site design and layout. You add content that we will use to fill in the page. You must host your content on a reliable server that we will access the page contents from. The end result will be a continuous flow of pages all matching the web site.
- If you do not wish to be the webmaster for extra pages, we can provide the service at a minimal price.