A clear pixel

Morn. Twilight: 6:45 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:13 A.M.
Sunset: 7:44 P.M.
Duration: 12h, 31m
Eve. Twilight: 8:12 A.M.
Visible Light: 13h, 26m

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This is the Florence Historical Foundation float.  They are an important Florence organization.  They own and maintain several of Florence's historical attractions, and artifacts.  They also put on Florence Days and the parade.  The Florentine Players part of the organization put on Melodramas to entertain us each year.  The Florenteenies are the next generation Florentine Players, and they put on wonderful shows as well.

This is the Florence Historical Foundation float.  They are an important Florence organization.  They own and maintain several of Florence's historical attractions, and artifacts.  They also put on Florence Days and the parade.  The Florentine Players part of the organization put on Melodramas to entertain us each year.  The Florenteenies are the next generation Florentine Players, and they put on wonderful plays as well.