A clear pixel

Morn. Twilight: 6:38 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:06 A.M.
Sunset: 6:07 P.M.
Duration: 11h, 1m
Eve. Twilight: 6:35 A.M.
Visible Light: 11h, 56m


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The McClures store is on an old postcard (Harrington Postcard).  In 1914, Harry Harrington sent the postcard to his father, A.J. Harrington in Pawnee City, Nebraska.

The awning-like signs hanging on the front of the building on the left and right say, "McCLURES" and have a portion of the text that goes along with the center awning text.  This was a mystery figuring out the letters until Jillian M. Steenblock pointed out that it very clearly says, "WE SELL EVERYTHING."  Thanks Jillian for making it look so much clearer now.

Studio24* is now located in the same building as the McClures store (8601 N. 30th (Google Maps and Satellite maps logo))

Click on the image to see an enlarged view.

Google Streetview