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Morn. Twilight: 6:41 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:09 A.M.
Sunset: 7:46 P.M.
Duration: 12h, 37m
Eve. Twilight: 8:14 A.M.
Visible Light: 13h, 32m
2025 June Trivia and History
Name History
Latin: Junius. Named after the goddess Juno.
School Daze
- 1st* • (Sunday) Global Day of Parents*
- 7th* • (Saturday) 157th Belmont Stakes
- 8th* • (Sunday)
- 9th* • (Monday) Blue Monday (Monday of Men's Health Week)
- 13th* • (Friday) Wear Blue Day (Friday of Men's Health Week)
- 14th* • (Saturday) National Flag Day

- 15th* • (Sunday)
- 19th* • (Thursday)
- Juneteenth - (also known as Freedom Day, is an annual U.S.A. Federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery).*

- Summer Starts June 20 (add 365 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes, 57 seconds to find next year's summer start). - If you are awake, take note of where the sun rises and also sets on this day. This will be your best indicators of due East and West. Take a photo of the Florence sunset. Sadly the daylight hours start getting shorter after this day. Summer can start as early as June 20th and as late as June 22nd, but on average, it starts on June 21st at 10:45 UTC. When summer starts is based on UTC time; the east coast is 4 hours less. If the start of summer is within the first 4 hours in England, then summer for the east coast starts on the previous day than what England uses. Because of this offset, for the rest of the 21st century, summer for the east coast will not start later than June 20th. Several places on earth do not believe that June 20th or 21st is the correct day for summer to start this year. Where are they?*
- 21st* • (Saturday)
- 24th* • (Tuesday) Midsummer Day - Close to the time of the summer solstice; the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest.
- 25th* • (Wednesday) National Catfish Day - (No longer recognized)*
- 30th* • (Monday) Asteroid Day - Broadcasts start on June 1 counting down to Asteroid Day
June historical dates:
Special June Days Trivia
Special June Days Question
- “Several places on earth do not believe that June 20th or 21st is the correct day for summer to start this year. Where are they?” They are below the equator. They believe summer starts in December. They believe Winter starts in June. They are right ... for them.
Summer Quotes:
- If it rains on Midsummer's Eve, the filbert crops will be spoiled. –Unknown
- One swallow never made a summer.
- When Razorium lizards all come together, the first day of summer will be shredded into happiness. -Proverb
- When the summer birds take their flight, goes the summer with them.
- If there are many falling stars during a clear summer evening, expect thunder. If there are none, expect fine weather.
- Deep snow in winter, tall grain in summer. –Estonian proverb
- Easterly winds from May 19 to the 21 indicate a dry summer.
Summer Song:
A medieval song called "Sumer is A-cumen in", written in the 13th century to welcome the coming of the sun. a.k.a. Summer Canon and the Cuckoo Song
- "Sumer is A-cumen in"
- Old English lyrics:
- Sumer is icumen in, lhude sing cuccu! Groweth sed and bloweth med, and springst the wde nu. Sing cuccu! Awe bleteth after lomb, llouth after calve cu, bulluc sterteh, bucke verteth, murie sing cuccu! Cuccu, cuccu, wel singes thu cuccu, me swik thu naver nu!
- Modern English:
- Summer is coming in, loudly sings the cuckoo! The seed grows; the meadow blossoms, and the woods alivens anew. Sing Cuckoo! The ewe bleats after the lamb; the cow lows after the calf; the bull leaps; the goat capers; merrily sing cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo, well sing you, cuckoo—don't ever stop now!
Lyrics relating to June
Poetry of June
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That's sweetly played in tune.
• A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns
Special June Trivia answer:
- “What month or months in the same calendar year starts on the same day of the week as June?” There aren't any!